Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pocket Pouches (or Purses!)

There's nothing I love more in a craft than being able to make it using materials I already have in my home. Now while most people may not have the volume of craft supplies and random odds and ends that reside in our work room (I am a craft supply junkie), almost anyone has the goods on hand at any given time to make something fun.

While thinking of inspiration for what to post I thought of what I made for the boys this past week, a variation (code for : boy version) of something I had made at about 8 years old.

Yes...I still have it!!

What can I say? I am also a bit of a packrat! I love to pull old stuff out and show the boys or spend time sifting through it and remember when...they are like small artifacts from my childhood.

 So the boys had been asking for a pouch of some kind to put coins in, they were playing Robin Hood and Carter (the sheriff) needed somewhere to put the taxes once he'd collected them. The first idea that came to mind was to use a pocket somehow. 

A good example of the kind of supplies I have on hand is my large collection of jean pockets, cut from the back of pants that have split. I have the unfortunate luck of splitting my pants (in the butt, mind you) at least once a year, I believe the tally was 4 for 2012 alone! Anytime this happens, I cut the back pockets out and throw them in a drawer with my other fabric scraps and ribbons. If you don't happen to have any on hand, old jeans are readily available at your local thrift store for cheap (ask them for donations with holes) or just ask friends and family, most likely someone will have something.

Supplies you will need :

A pocket
Glitter glue or Puff Paint
Hole Punch 

Now when it come to this craft pretty much everything mentioned above is optional other than the pocket itself! I would hate for someone to love this and not try it because they didn't have everything listed. The hole punch definitely makes it look much neater, but a pair of scissors would work also. If I recall correctly, as a kid I used a steak knife to punch the holes, whatever works!

Go ahead and make the holes first and lace around the outside with yarn, or just tie at the top to make the strap, this can be as long or as short as you like. I was even thinking that pipe cleaners could be used to make a handle for a super cute little handbag.

Once the strap or handle is on it's time to decorate! Glitter glue, puff paint, buttons, sequins, feathers, anything you can find to use or lay out for the kids to choose from. Anything heavy (buttons, beads, etc.) you'll want to attach with a hot glue gun or strong craft tacky glue. The boys decorated theirs with sticky foam shapes and those actually stuck surprisingly well. 
Depending on the amount of paint or glue used it will need to dry anywhere from 12-24 hours.

Once dry it's time to put on a fashion show, stash a few dollars and head to the store or go collect some taxes!

Just had to try the pipe cleaner idea :D

Have fun!!

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